Treatment Programme


Post Pregnancy Bootcamp
Take Care Yourself, Mama!

Our post pregnancy care program combines both Emsculpt and Emsella treatment which aims to find safe, effective and non-invasive solutions for common issues post childbirth. These include urinary and stress incontinence, diastasis recti and sexual dysfunction issue that new mothers would usually face.


Stop the leak! treatment
1/3 of the women are suffering from urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is a very common condition that no one wants to talk about. Because of the stigma that surrounds it; many people are humiliated to seek help or think that it is something that they have to live with.


Intimate Treatment with Emsella
Healthy Intimacy is an essential component of life.

Emsella has been proven ability to strengthen pelvic muscles may also enable patients to more easily achieve orgasm, experience stronger orgasms, and increased sensation leading to a positive effect on sexual wellness and intimate relationships. This is a ‘Walk in Walk Out’ completely non-invasive treatment.

More Treatment Information


Core Strength
Build Muscles | Burn Fat

When we talk about your whole core, many mistakenly thought that your core is your abs. There are actually more muscles involved: your pelvic floor muscles, the back muscles that stabilize your spine, and your diaphragm (the main muscle involved in breathing).


Diastasis Recti
Core Strengthening | Build Muscles | Improve Abdominal Separation

The separation of the rectus muscles is inevitable for mothers after childbirth. If you continue to look pregnant after giving birth, that is a sign that you might have diastasis recti. This is a common issue among mothers and many would think that there are only two ways to fix it which is by surgery or by working out.


Butt Lift with Emsculpt
Urinary Incontinence is affecting 1/3 of women in the world

Emsculpt is the first and only non-surgical butt lift procedure that requires no injections and no incisions. It is a technology-aided micro-workout that you simply couldn’t replicate at the gym as it reaches muscle groups deep in the interior of your body and triggers them in ways no workout ever will.